Sarbajeet Mohanty
The Spirits Talk To Me
''It's something in your line of work,' he said hurriedly. 'It's something...otherworldly. Please come. There is no time to lose.'A forest lures men to their doom, invisible hands smash crockery in a time-worn house, machines turn malevolent in an old factory, phantom laughter, whispers from nowhere, shadows that trail people
Hachette India
1st edition

1. Written by Psychotherapist Lori Gottlieb who was used to being the therapist in the room until the script was flipped and she went through a crisis that led to her being the recipient of therapy.
2. Instead of being written in the typical fashion of a self help book, it’s written as a memoir.
3. She shares her experience as both the therapist and the client, with dashes of humour in between to lighten things up.
Why we chose it ?
''It's something in your line of work,' he said hurriedly. 'It's something...otherworldly. Please come. There is no time to lose.'A forest lures men to their doom, invisible hands smash crockery in a time-worn house, machines turn malevolent in an old factory, phantom laughter, whispers from nowhere, shadows that trail people - these are just some of the experiences that Sarbajeet Mohanty, paranormal investigator and founder of the Parapsychology and Investigations Research Society, confronts daily on the job. Tracking Sarbajeet and his team as they probe harrowing supernatural happenings across the country, these ten suspenseful tales move from a courthouse occupied by an insidious presence to a hellish riverbank where battles from the ancient Kalinga War continue to play out, to a film studio in Mumbai where a sordid past waits to be unearthed. Along the way, readers get a rare peek into the distinctive investigative methods used by the team to detect mysterious forces that exist in parallel realms. Narrated by veteran horror writer Neil D'Silva in atmospheric prose, the chilling accounts in The Spirits Talk to Me are spine-tingling and guaranteed to make you lose sleep.